Harp Visionings

Price: $13.00
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Harp Visionings – these are a series of 13 beautiful harp pieces created and played by Cath Connelly.  I have created them intentionally to help your family heal from the trauma of experiencing bullying within your fold. There is a healing harp visioning piece, each is approximately 3 minutes long, (aligned with each intelligence and colour or chapter of  my latest book The Bully Busters BlueprintTM Guidebook for parents and teacher,) (approximately three minutes long), which beautifully compliments the activities and wisdom in each chapter.

I have designed them so that during week one you will play the Physical Intelligence – red harp visioning, each day during the activity in the first chapter, or anytime you feel inclined in that week.  (It is three minutes long.) Then during week two, Happiness Intelligence – orange, play the orange harp visioning on its own, (three minutes long), and/or play the red and orange harp visioning together, (about six minutes long.)  Week three/chapter three – Emotional Intelligence – yellow- play the yellow harp visioning on its own, (three minutes long),  and/or play the red, orange and yellow in series harp piece together, (approximately 9 minutes long.)

As you progress through the chapters of The Bully Busters Blueprint, you can play the harp visioning that is aligned with that chapter, (an individual colour, about three minutes long), and/or the harp visioning piece that plays all of the colours/chapters you have experienced up to date, (up to 21 minutes long.)

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